the Art House Film Club: A book club without books

The mandate of the Art House Film Club is to break free from the recommendation algorithms and content crafted to reach a specific target market. This club will foster community around films that will challenge you, show you what is possible on film, and introduce you to film makers that will set you on a journey of discovery that might otherwise not be possible. The club will be hosting regular viewing parties in Toronto and providing links to watch online and post comments on the films we recommend.

Graph databases for Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) always requires some type of password store or database.

The majority of IAM cases are handled by simple key-value password stores.

Even when more powerful and fine-grained relational databases are employed, SQL joins are complex and slow, and the results are often cached in simple key-value stores in memory anyways.

Graph databases are a novel solution to this problem, providing the elegance of relational databases without the complex and slow SQL joins that make caching necessary.

Setting up a static SSL website on AWS using GitHub, CloudFront and S3

What this document covers: Cost Mail server hosting Domain name transfer SSL & CloudFront CDN Using GitHub to update the site Many articles like this going into great detail on how to set up these services with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. This article however is a birds-eye view of my recommended workflow with links to …

From Developer to Technical Product Owner:
A change in perspective.

I often get asked by developers what’s involved in moving into product management. I usually respond that switching roles requires a change in perspective more than anything. Before investing in the education and training required to make the switch, make sure that it fits your temperament.